Improve Bit by Bit the World of Many People
Yes, count me in!
Register Now for Free at the SBI Academy!
People-oriented jobs are created in a values-based and equitable economy. By investing and committing yourself, you are improving the world of many people bit by bit.
To learn how to do this, take part in our free Academy for Social Business Investors.
You'll gain access to a plethora of material in the member's area, including brochures, wealth protection training videos, investment strategies and a Telegram group for networking with other Social Business Investors.
As a financial analyst, I will share my skills and years of experience with you in simple terms.

Omid Manavi
Manavi Capital CEO

100,000+ Investors,
€1bn in Investments
- Promote one million or more people-centered jobs over the next decade
- Build a values-based and equitable economy
- Build a community of 100,000+ Social Business Investors over the next 10 years
- Protect capital investors from loss of purchasing power
- Fund 1 billion euros and more of investment for sustainable businesses through Social Business Investors
No Hunger
Production of wholesome food
No Poverty
Fair wages and employment through people-oriented jobs
Health and Well-Being
Healthy living and curative care
Environmental Protection
Reforestation, renaturation of land and sea, healthy technologies, and environmentally friendly production
Clean Water
Modern public infrastructure
Affordable and Clean Energy
Self-sufficient energy from social business investors

Your Training
SBI Academy
Register for the SBI Academy right now. You are granted access to all of our ebooks and will be added to the SBI Telegram group.
You shape yourself into a Social Business Investor step by step and network with others who share your interests.
Buiness Growth
SBI for Entrepreneurs
As an entrepreneur, learn how to finance your business independently of traditional banks.
There are many more possibilities than you think. Register for free and learn more shortly.
Online Congress
Social Business Investor Days
Twice a year, we host online Social Business Investor Days where we interview experts from business, finance, and politics on how we, as a community, can shape a more value-based and equitable economy.
We feature entrepreneurs and business owners who have already aligned their businesses.