
The SBI Academy is the training ground for you as a social business investor. It features e-books, webinars, and like-minded people to network with.

Starting in 2024, we will add the Social Business Investor Days, an online congress with exciting answers from experts on the question of how we can build a value-based and just economy together and improve the world for all of us step by step with decentralized capital.

SBI Academy

Enroll in the SBI Academy today. You'll have access to all our ebooks and join the SBI Telegram group.

You'll learn step by step to become a Social Business Investor and network with like-minded people.


SBI Academy Free

Sign up for free and build a value-based and equitable economy with us.

Access our Telegram channel for social business investors.

Access to all our ebooks and brochures

Access to all our lectures


SBI Academy Premium

Let us teach you step-by-step how to become a social business investor and become part of a growing community.

Everything in Free, plus:

Wealth building checklist

Exclusive membership to the SBI Club Premium Telegram chat group to exchange ideas with like-minded people.

Access to webinars

Online ticket for the upcoming Social Business Investor Days (to be held in 2024)

Annual payment, €624 will be billed.

SBI Academy Premium

Let us teach you step-by-step how to become a social business investor and become part of a growing community.

Everything in Free, plus:

Wealth building checklist

Exclusive membership to the SBI Club Premium Telegram chat group to exchange ideas with like-minded people.

Access to webinars

Online ticket for the upcoming Social Business Investor Days (to be held in 2024)

Introductory price -20%

Only annual payment available, €2,400 will be billed.

SBI Academy VIP

We personally advise and mentor you on your path to sustainable growth. As a VIP, we offer you options on exclusive investments.

Everything in Premium, plus:

Personal advice via Zoom

Individual support

Development of investment strategies in small groups

Exclusive investments

SBI Trendtalk

Social Business Investor Days

Beginning in 2024, we will host Social Business Investor Days, an online conference where we interview experts in business, finance, and policy on how we can work together to build a value-based and equitable economy.

We will feature entrepreneurs and business owners who have already aligned their businesses.


SBI for Entrepreneurs

Learn how to finance your business as an entrepreneur, independent of traditional banks.

There are many more options than you think. Sign up for free and learn more soon.

Our offering for businesses

SBI for Entrepreneurs

Financial service providers who rely on sustainable tangible assets can operate excellent customer loyalty, because they offer their customers a future-oriented investment strategy. And they benefit from close cooperation with their customers, who are well informed and do good business at eye level. They also have the opportunity to make a positive contribution to society while generating stable returns.

Our motto is: Do good and earn appropriate money in the process! It's a win-win situation for everyone.

Are you in? Sign up now as an entrepreneur with SBI for Entrepreneur and book a Zoom appointment now, where we will discuss any questions and go into more detail about our collaboration.